David Worley Fannie Mae is a retired financial professional based in Dallas, Texas and Charlotte, North Carolina. Over the course of his long and fruitful career as a real estate investor, David developed demonstrated leadership skills, and developed a track record of achieving exceptional results. He holds expertise in various fields, and over the course of his 30+ year career, he’s been involved in numerous projects at companies including Interfirst Bank Texas, First Union Florida, Wachovia, Senderra Capital, First City Bank of Commerce and Fannie Mae.
For 10 years from the early 90s to the early 2000s, David Worley worked at Wachovia, and served in many positions, including managing director, chief risk officer and the co-founder of Real Estate Capital Markets and Real Estate Corporate and Investment Banking. David was the leader and co-founder of a large group of senior-level professionals for the most successful division within Wachovia, producing over $400MM in net income over the 10-year program. He was responsible for strategic direction, commitment of capital and risk management. This division contained ten distinct businesses, including one of the largest producing and most profitable Commercial Real Estate, Mortgage Banking, Tax Credit Investment, Structured Finance, Large Loans, REIT Lending and Investment Banking, CMBS Portfolio Investing, CMBS Trading and Multifamily Housing. Many of these businesses were number one or two in league tables, and have consistently generated ROA’s in excess of 2.5%, and ROE’s in excess of 25%. During the 1990s, David Worley’s responsibilities also included Mortgage Warehouse Lending, Residential Conduits and Risk Management.
At David Worley Fannie Mae was the Chief Risk officer for the Mutli-family division. He was responsible for leading a group of more than 150 employees and dealing with such issues as Asset Management, Workouts, Underwriting, Quality Control, Strategy and Capital Commitments for all Multifamily Debt, Policy, Mezzanine and Equity Products. The many accomplishments of David Worley in this position at Fannie Mae include the building out of an entire Risk Management infrastructure such as state-of-the-art portfolio reporting, risk rating and portfolio management tools. In David Worley’s last four years at Fannie Mae, the multifamily debt portfolio for the company increased from $110 billion to $200 billion, while also keeping delinquencies and losses to a minimum and dramatically increasing shareholder returns.
Outside of Fannie Mae and Wachovia, David Worley Fannie Mae has established Real Estate links across the country. From Denver to Dallas to Queens, he has owns and invest in apartments. As far away as Palm Beach, Florida, David Worley was also involved in the founding of First City Bank of Commerce, a small bank in Palm Beach, Florida, that is devoted to providing its clients with the highest standards in products and services. To this day, David Worley Fannie Mae and his family are one of the top three shareholders in the bank.